Friday, August 5, 2011

Can you help?

I don't usually ask, in fact I'm pretty sure I never have.  But ...

Can you help?
I know a wonderful woman, one who has touched my heart many times when she probably never knew it.
One who has had strength and courage that I often am amazed at and think I could never have.
One who has gone through things I could not imagine going through.
One who has CHOSEN to obey the call of God and go places many of us would never even consider going.
One who has also obeyed God and returned from those places even though her heart was there and she didn't want to return.
She's not a saint. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want me to make her out to be one.
But she is one of the best people I have ever had the privilege to know.
One that when I think of her am SO BLESSED to know her and BEYOND BLESSED that she is still here on this Earth.

I know that most of you who know me don't know her but I'm asking, for you to consider helping.
She is walking (or hopes to walk if health allows it) in the San Francisco, CA 3 Day for the cure again this year.
For her third time. She still has $1000 left to raise for the event and had one month left to do it.

She didn't ask me to ask you. In fact she doesn't know that I am.
A part of me hopes she doesn't see this and never finds out.

But I feel led to do it.
I donated, Will you?
Even a small amount?
Every little bit will help her reach her goal.
Every little bit goes to Breast Cancer Research
Every little bit will toward finding a cure for this horrible disease.

Please think about it, Pray about it.

Here's the place to donate for her:

Oh and every little bit is tax deductable.

Here's more of her story.

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