Friday, May 20, 2011



 Ephesians 2:10 (NIV) tells us, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

It's always amazing to me how many times God (because that's what I believe it truly is) will reoccurringly bring up a subject. 

The scripture above is one that I'm sure I'd heard before but not one I'd really "studied".  It's not one that really caught my attention.  Which yes so totally seems crazy to me, since I look at it and think, that is a GREAT verse to quote. 

And I saw it/heard it a few weeks back, once in church I believe and then again in our Bible study I think, then again this morning on the incourage site. 

And I FEEL it each time I hear it or see it. 

You know what I mean HITS me.  And I physically feel it. 

And then I have to stop and think. 

Am I doing that?  Or have I quit.

Often times we want to give up.

Give up doing the right thing when we have been wronged so many times

Give up hoping when things are dark

Give up being positive when our world seems so negative

Give up hanging in there when it seems as though we are hanging by a thread

We just want to plain give up and quit life.

But we can't (ok, so we can because we have that choice) or we won't get to do those good things God has prepared for us.  Among other blessings that I'm sure we will miss out on if we give up and quit.

I don't know where you are on life's journey right now, or what you're going through.  I don't know what pain you may be experiencing, but know that God has a plan for you.  That He is still in control. 
And let me encourage you to look back on the good times, the joys he has given you.  Don't lose hope or faith.  Wait expectantly for the next good thing he has for you...because he does have one (or more) for you.

Galatians 6:9-10 (New International Version)

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

Here are a few pictures to enjoy from my Sunday at the photography convention...I hope you enjoy them.


FaithBarista Bonnie said...

Leanna, don't give up your photos! Love them. It's amazing how God's word will HIT you - and that Eph. passage is amazing - knowing something good ahead keeps us going! Thanks, girl!

Leanna said...

Thanks Bonnie! And no worries, I'm not quitting photography anytime soon. God seems to be opening some doors up in that area, and I really do enjoy it. :o)
And you're welcome...some words are just too good not to share!