Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Orphanage

For me the orphanage is pretty much almost always my favorite part of any trip.

There is just something about going and loving a child. 

No matter what their age is, what their health is, what their past is.

To bring just a moment of joy, a smile to their face even if for only a moment always gets right to my heart.

Yes, I always have a hard time when it's time to leave.

Yes, I always cry.  Sometimes before we leave, just seeing small ones, who were injured, neglected or lost their parents for no reason that I can now nor ever will understand.

This is where the TRUST in God really comes in for me. 

Trusting in His plan, His reason for this path for them. 

That He does know what is best in all of this. 

We were able to spend 2 days at the Orphanage this trip.  2 days in Haiti.  We didn't get to go to Port-Au-Price, which I would have loved but we did see many children from that area that were sent to Danita's Orphanage.
(BTW- here's the link to see just where we were: http://www.danitaschildren.org/ )

Danita's Orphanage is an amazing place.  Yes there are children there that have faced unimaginable circumstances but there is also HOPE there.  Hope for the children that live there, that go to school there, that are fed there.  Hope for Haiti it's self.  Danita doesn't adopt out her orphans instead she gets sponsors for them, teaches them- not just regular school things but English and the Bible. 
Her goal and the goal of the other workers is to raise up leaders who will influence Haiti for Good and for God! Something that the country of Haiti needs desperately. 

While we were there we had the opportunity to play with the kids, preform some dramas and skits for them, love on them, and pass out some toys and candy. In comparison to most kids here in the states, it really isn't much but you could see in their eyes, that the simplest joke, game, toy or hug meant the world to them.
And how can you not love spending time with kids like that?


Brandon Barr said...

How cool about your mission work. My brother just returned from time with the body of Christ in Haiti.

Found your blog by random...just in case you're wondering who in the world this was :)

Leanna said...

Thanks Brandon. I really enjoy the mission work.
Currently I'm praying about going back to this very orphanage for a year or longer to work.
Still praying though, waiting on God to clear the path so to speak.

Madison Sanders said...

A child's love is something truly special. If your only with the for a few weeks, you have to trust that you made a mark on their lives.

Amanda said...

I'm over from Jenna's blog hop. This kind of mission is something that will stay with you forever. I did a trip to Romania in high school and did a week long camp for orphans there. Those are precious children and you'll have their impression on your heart forever!