Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Life sometimes get away from you...

Ok maybe not life exactly. But blogging certainly has gotten away from me in the past few months. But after posting last week I realized just how much I've missed it. So I'm going to try to do better about posting. I'm not 100% sure how it will go since things are so busy but I'm going to try. So first let me catch you up on a few things. First let me say in doing ok. Something's I'm about to tell you may make you wonder but I promise I am ok and I will be ok. The last month or so has been hard. Things with the boy I mentioned a while ago have changed. I found out a few weeks into things that he was/is seeing three other girls. Kissing one of them (not me) as well. Which I'm not really ok with. Maybe that's how things work with others but with me well, I'm not a fan. I know we had said we would take things slow and it wasn't serious but if you specifically ask for no games to be played and you talk about a range of serious stuff don't you think that's something you should let the other person know? I mean come on 4 girls total. Wow. Who even has time for that. Did I mention too that this guy is going to Peru with me in July. On a mission trip. His first mission trip. And I'm leadership on the trip as well? I'm not going to lie that has put things in a spot where I would normally just call the whole thing off, delete his number and move on. So I'm working all of that out as well. It's Crazyness that's for sure. And that's all I have in me for now. I promise to write more soon...

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