Monday, June 20, 2011

Life is BUSY...

Really anyone who knows me knows how true that statement is.

I'm a planner.

Actually I'm probably more of an over planner in most cases.

My weeknights are booked pretty much every evening, and my weekends, well,  let's just say when I have a totally free weekend it's a very rare occourance.  And that rarely happens.

But I like my life.  Busy as it is.  Even if it means I fall a little behind sometimes here at the blog.
(Of course the internet problems at home really, really don't help). 

So this post is about a week behind but I still wanted to share. 

See I had my YWAM (Youth With A Mission) DTS (Discipleship Training School) 10 year reunion last weekend. 
And we had a BLAST!
Not all of us were able to attend, but given that 7(not counting the spouses & children) out of the 18 of us in our class were there I think that was  a pretty good turn out. 
And it was SO SO nice to visit with everyone, catch up on the lives of one another and see how we are all doing. 
It was a very reality type filled time, even if our days at YWAM weren't so reality filled. 
No offense meant to the structure but living in a "bubble" for 6 months (or a year if you did the next school) isn't very realistic. 
Though I wouldn't really change much of anything from that year since I walked away with friends who I'm still very close with and love very dearly.  And was able to spend almost a year with God, drawing closer to him and doing mission work. 

So we caught up with one another and totally decided that we aren't going to wait another 10 yrs for a reunion.  We are going to shoot for next year or the year after.  Who knows maybe then we will get everyone there!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

An Oppertunity to Encourage

And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.
1 Thessalonians 5:14-15 

Honestly though one of my favorite things to do is give or send cards.
I'm a BIG card person.
I like to mail them for Birthdays, Holiday, and no reason at all.
It's nice for people to get mail.  I know that may times all people get is junk or bills - at least that's how my box works.  But getting a letter or a card is just nice.
Plus sometimes I'll send one and I'll get a text or email from the person a few days later letting them know how much it meant and how timely it was.  Because they needed the encouragement.

Honestly it can be awkward at times too, when encouraging someone.
Just last week I had gotten my review packet of cards from Dayspring.
And I was SO excited about them. 

I had "plans" for these cards since the opportunity to review was presented.
And some sometimes God has plans that we weren't aware of.

See I had planned to send a card or two to some friends, ones who were going through a bit of a rough time.  And then on Saturday the 4th as I was on my way to church I was rear ended.  Which caused me to be late for service.  And I ended up parking somewhere I never usually park. 
After church I was walking to my car when I noticed one of the younger ladies that attends our Monday night Bible Study.  She was right in the path on the way to my car, so I stopped and talked to her, to see how she was.  Come to find out a few days before she had been in a car accident as well.  But her car was totaled. 
Thankfully aside from a few bumps, bruises and scrapes on her she was ok as were her 3 kids. 
But something in her eyes even as she was smiling touched my heart. 

And when I got home and saw the package of cards from Dayspring I knew. 
There was one in there for her. 
Sure enough there was.
So I got it ready for Monday night. 
And after we discussed our lesson from the previous week I turned around and handed it to her.
We had our "closing Party" for the end of the study that night so I headed back to where the food was.
Noticing shortly after that she wasn't in the room. But knowing she's a single mom of 3 I figured she had left.
But when I went to leave, walking though the church there she was.
Tear stained, talking with one of the older ladies in the church, and she came up and gave me a hug.
The older lady told me later on that the card meant so much to her.
That she is trying to keep her head up and be positive but right now it's hard. 
Her family isn't saved. And aren't supportive in all these things. 
She now has no car.
So she's very stressed.
The card meant more to her than I could have ever intended.

Sometimes you never know what God is going to use to speak to encouragement to someone.

Honestly I love to encourage people I really do.

Because I want to help people.
I like to help them feel better.
Even if they aren't going through a rough time.
Sometimes when someone who wasn't doing good but is doing good currently I like to encourage them.
Or if they are going though a rough time I like to help lift them up.
Many times I've heard people say that they want to help some one but don't know what they would say to them. Or don't know what to do.
Many times in my adult life I've found that when it comes to encouragement having those "right words" matter very little.
The big thing is to speak out, to let that person know that you care.
Some times that's a gentle pat.
A hug.
A shoulder to cry on.
A prayer.
Or Even a Card.

**Please know that DaySpring did give me the free product to review but all opinions stated are my own. I've bought many of the cards in the packet that I received before along with may other DaySpring cards.  They are truly great cards to give for any occasion.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I couldn't do it...or so I thought.

This week, this morning the subject at hand from the Faith Barista for our Theursday bloggings was to talk about "Finding the One".
And when I opened my email and saw Bonnie's subject Never Been Kissed: When You Wonder If You’ll Ever Find “The One” I thought "I just can't do this today".

Not because I shy away from the subject, generally speaking I have no issue with all of that.
Normally it's something I enjoy encouraging people (ok, girls more than anyone) in, that they will find that person, that God does have someone for them, that he's better than what they probably imagine, but that he'll also be human. 

But it's been a raw week, with constant and consistant pain.  Physical pain. 

And then add to it that I've had a wedding every weekend for the last 4 weekends.  Three of which were "work" weddings, so I'm still looking, sorting and editing through probably at least a thousand wedding photos now. 
So the whole, "LOVE THING" has me a little worn out. 
And I'm pretty sure at this point I don't ever want a wedding (I do want the marriage just not the wedding).

Plus I don't know if I believe in the whole thing of "The One". 
Obviously I haven't found "My One" if that's how things work. 

I do have faith that the right person will come along in the right time. 
I just don't know when that will be.

I do know I need to trust God in this process. 
(Just like every other process)
And wait for him. 
And Trust him. 
That he will bring that person. 
(Or take the desire for me to marry away though at 31 I think if that were going to be the case it would have happened by now).

For now though I will wait as patiently as possible. 
And buy as many shoes as I'd like since there is no husband to tell me no.

Psalm 27:14
New King James Version

Wait on the LORD;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the LORD!

I don't know what it is about this picture, the one that just happened to be taken by chance in Costa Rica as we were standing at a gate hiding from the rain, waiting out the storm and waiting for the car to arrive. 
Everytime I see this picture I'm reminded that just like the path here where we can't see around the bend, life is often like that.  We can't see around the bend in our own lives, but we are blessed with someone who does see the whole picture and knows exactly what is around that bend. 
