Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas ....meh.

I'm so not a Christmas person.

I have no idea why.

After all I know the real reason for the season.
And I am extremely thankful for that reason.
But personally I could do with out the holiday.

(courtesy of Google Images)

Now please know I'm no Scrooge,  I love giving.  I've enjoyed shopping for others and all that.
but personally, I just feel no "holiday spirit" this year.
More so even than other years.

Maybe it's the lack of tree...(Tucker my adorable fur baby, will be 2 next year so we'll try for a tree then but right now there is no need to destroy a Christmas Tree).
Or decorations.
I do have a "Flurry of Winter Blessings" type sign on my door.
And a little Rudolph Statue on my shelf.
But that's it.

Maybe it's because I haven't watched Christmas movies, like I usually do.

I've been to a few Christmas parties.  And have another one tonight.
But I just feel....over all of it.

It's odd...

Like I said I've never been a huge fan of Christmas but this year I just feel even less of one.

Wonder what that means.

Regardless though, I do wish all of you a Very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Do it all...

Hi friends,
Sorry it's been SO long since I posted.
I find that I'm still writing but more on a personal level right now and more journaling than anything else.
There are a few of them that I really want to end up blogging but just haven't had the time to do it or when I did have the time didn't have the internet access. 

Today though my daily calendar had this saying...

We sometimes expect so much of
ourselves that we end up feeling
defeated and don't try at all.
Philippians 4:13 says,
"I can do everything through Him who
gives me strength,"
But it doesn't say,
"I have to do it all right now."

With the Thanksgiving Holiday past us and the Christmas Holiday upon us
I know this rings very valuable for me right now.

I hope as the holiday season is surrounding you and you have many more things to do than normal that you remember the verse and the message behind it.
You can do it! Yes, but you don't have to do all of it right now.