Wednesday, April 17, 2013

There is still hope...

It always leaves me a little stunned, how events hundreds or thousands of miles away can leave a person so devastated.
I still remember feelings I had after the Sandy Hook Shooting.
And then still today after Monday's incident at the Boston Marathon all the grief I still seem to feel over what happened.
I didn't know anyone who was involved in either incident.
I've never even been to either place.
Yet every time I watch the news I cry.
My heart breaks for those people.
For their families
For their friends
For the cities themselves

Knowing that no matter what happens going forward those areas will always hold a memory for the people that live there.

My hope is that those people will remember the good that happened that day, versus the bomb going off.
That they will remember how many people rushed forward to help others, more often than not those people being strangers to one another.
That they will see the support from other states, cities and even countries who are thinking of and praying for them.
That it will help us ALL to love deeper.
Care more
And DO SOMETHING each day with that day we are given.
Because no one ever knows what will happen each day.
And we should all be making the most of every opportunity we have to love, give, receive  and bless those around us.

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